
  • Hello..nice to meet you my name is Luigi, Italian nationality and I live here in Antwerp since 2006, well about your questions, I think it's depend who will be your employeer because some international company are really not interest to know you are French or Flemish speaker..the important is you must spoke English!
    About the rest of the employers I think they will not give the job if you dont speak flemish espcially over here in Antwerpen.
    About friends is true ...forget about Belgian they dont need foreign friends they are leaving on their own!!.
    In two years that I leave over here I just know some expa as me ...that all!!
    by the way my email is [email removed]
    Have a good luck!!

    Luigi 26 nov 2008, 05:55 - Denunciar
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Why is it so hard to make friends in Belgium?

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