
  • I totally agree with filet americaine (I live in Belgium since 2004).

    I would like to add that "mediocrity" is the word to use.
    People are too attached to material things without valuing education, culture or just the idea of being open-minded.
    There is a lot of conformism in the classic Belgian mentality and no room for intellectual activities or even "subversive ideas" at all; if you think out of the box, then you're considered even as an aggressive individual, dangerous for the community (maybe I am exaggerating now).
    This has nothing to do with being poor or rich but when you come from a certain environment, a country where everybody has a high-level academic background and knowledge, critical acumen and wit, you DO feel the difference.
    Also living in the countryside is quite a weird decision to me: it seems a desperate way to show other people that you belong to the "wealthy side", even if that means having a huge empty house, totally tasteless, with a lonely life after work and no human exchange whatsoever.

    Layla 06 mar 2009, 03:28 - Denunciar
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Why is it so hard to make friends in Belgium?

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